
🚧 Experimental


This package provides shared state between server and client components in Next.js App router. It utilizes server-side session storage to store the state, seamlessly synchronizing it across components. Additionally, it offers a easy approach for reading and writing state data from both server and client sides.


Install package:

npm i next-server-state

Setup dynamic route: create file with path: /pages/api/server-state/[...path].ts

// /pages/api/server-state/[...path].ts
import { setupServerStateRoutes } from 'next-server-state';
export default setupServerStateRoutes();

Setup your server state:

// /lib/my-server-state.ts
import {
} from 'next-server-state';
type MyServerStateProps = {
first_name: string;
last_name: string;
counter: number;
export const MyServerState =
createServerState<MyServerStateProps>('my-state-unique-key', {
first_name: '',
last_name: '',
counter: ''
export function useMyServerState() {
return useServerState<MyServerStateProps>(MyServerState);
export async function getMyServerState() {
return getServerState<MyServerStateProps>(ExampleOneServerState);

Setup state context: Wrap your server and client component of which you wish to consume the server state in

import { MyServerState } from '../lib/my-server-state.ts'; // import state variable from the file you initialised it in
export const MyParentComponent = () => {
return (
// ...your server and client components go here


How you use the server state depends on whether you're using it on server side or client side:

  • Client Components
    const [state, updateState] = useServerSide(myServerState)
  • Server Components + Server Actions + Route Handlers
    const [state, updateState] = getServerSide(myServerState)

Usage cases

Client Component you can read and set state data like so:

'use client'
import { useMyServerState } from '../lib/my-server-state.ts'; // import from the file you initialised the server state in
export function MyClientComponent(){
const [state, updateState] = useMyServerState();
const handleIncrement = ()=>{
counter: Number(state.counter) + 1
return (
<p>Counter: <span>{state.counter}</span></p>
<button type="button" onClick={handleIncrement}>Increment</button>

Server Component you can read state and render it like so:

import { getMyServerState } from '../lib/my-server-state.ts'; // import from the file you initialised the server state in
export async function MyServerComponent(){
const [state, updateState] = await getMyServerState();
// If needed although not recommended, You can also update state on server component render
// await updateState({ first_name: 'new name' })
// const [newState] = await getServerState();
return (
// ...

Client Component with Server Actions you can read and set state data like so:

// server-actions.ts
'use server'
import { getMyServerState } from '../lib/my-server-state.ts'; // import from the file you initialised the server state in
export async function actionIncrementCounter(formData: FormData) {
const [state, updateState] = await getMyServerState();
counter: Number(state.counter ?? 0) + 1
return { message: 'Updated' };
// MyClientComponent.ts
'use client'
import { useMyServerState } from '../lib/my-server-state.ts'; // import from the file you initialised the server state in
import { actionIncrementCounter } from './server-actions.ts'; // Your server actions
export function MyClientComponent(){
const [state] = useMyServerState();
return (
<p>Counter: <span>{state.counter}</span></p>
<form action={actionIncrementCounter}>
<button type="submit">Increment</button>

App Route Handler you can read and set state data like so:

import { getMyServerState } from '../lib/my-server-state.ts'; // import from the file you initialised the server state in
export async function POST() {
const [state, updateState] = await getMyServerState();
counter: Number(state.counter) + 1
return { message: 'Counter incremented' };